Build a Brand That Cannot Be Ignored
Brand Strategy & Life Science Logo Design
We’ve been helping life science and pharma companies with their branding day in and day out since 2012. Our expertise ranges from logo design and style guides to tradeshow booths, investor decks and more.

Align Your Positioning Statement
Brand positioning begins with the interplay between your company, your customers, and your competitors.
A positioning statement is a succinct template your internal team can use to communicate with customers. The components are:
- Your audience
- Their unmet need
- Your offering (could be brand-level, product family, service, etc.)
- How your offer stands out from competitors
- Proof your products are the best choice for your target market
Create Your Key Message
A key message turns your positioning statement into a concise message you can show to customers.

Develop Your Full Messaging Platform
A complete messaging platform includes:
Customer-facing messaging
- Mission statement - a concise description of what your company is achieving and how it is making that happen.
- Vision statement - a brief statement of what the world will look like 10 to 20 years in the future when the company’s mission is achieved.
- Brand story - a narrative that tells potential customers what your company is all about. It could include relevant origin stories or why you do what you do, and combines the mission, vision, brand values, and positioning into a compelling customer-facing story.
Internal-facing messaging
- Brand characteristics - this is a list of adjectives that describes the brand. Example brand characteristics:
- Agile
- Collegial
- Collaborative
- Knowledge-driven
- Voice and tone - A guide to help writers create a distinct, recognizable brand style when communicating:
- Voice describes action and how you structure the language - you speak actively, passively, directly, descriptively, authoritatively
- Tone describes the emotion - Your language can be warm, supportive, neutral, optimistic
Life Science Logo Design
We’ll help you build a brand that cannot be ignored.
Our creative team has been designing life science logos for businesses from small innovative startups to Fortune 500 companies over the past five years. Successful branding not only increases customer loyalty, but also improves image, which has the benefit of boosting profits.

“You’ve been an excellent team lead for our website and digital transformation project.”
“You’ve been an excellent team lead for our website and digital transformation project.”


Visual Brand Standards
Brand awareness is accelerated by a visual identity that is easy to remember.
Our visual brand standards offer a set of guidelines for the colors, photography, graphic elements, logo specs, and fonts that comprise your brand. They’re the glue that holds your brand together and protects your firm’s brand identity.
Visual Identity Guidelines
- Our brand
- Who we are
- What we stand for
- Our mission and values
- Brand attributes
- Message from CEO
- How to use the guidelines
Brand identity elements
- Brandmark
- Logotype
- Signature
- Tagline
- Name in text
- Incorrect usage of elements
- Brand color system
- Default color system
- Supporting color system
- Signature color options
- Incorrect use of color
- Typeface family
- Supporting typefaces
- Styling and proportion
- Hierarchy
- Best practice examples
Visual Assets
- Iconography Style
- Best practice examples
- Inappropriate uses
- Color impression
- Color grading
- Subject matter
- Best practice examples
Optional Brand Touchpoints
Marketing materials
- Whitepaper (template)
- eBook (template)
- Powerpoint presentation (up to 6 pages)
- Covers
- Brochure system, size variations
- Newsletter
- Advertising Banner Ads
- Email signatures
- Tradeshow booth
- Roll Up
- Name tags
- Mouse pads
- Pins
- Mugs
- Umbrellas
Social networks
- YouTube
Business Papers
- Certificate of analysis (template)
- Invoice (template)
- Business card
- Corporate letterhead
- Announcements
- Folder
- Envelope
- Proposal covers
- Package sizes
- Package grids
- Product signatures
- Labeling system
- Boxes
- Bags